We just got back from Varanasi, India, where Tom got in touch again with Batuk Nath Mishrab, his old teacher. Aurélie also followed lessons in Sarangi , a beautiful old Indian kind of violin. We brought one with us. At the moment we are processing all these musical impressions. To be continued.

 Since a few months we are an “ off-grid folk duo ” by trying to tour as sustainable as possible. To achieve this we invested in a long range EV which is powered by our solar off-grid cabin in the Ardens where we reside and create. In spring for instance, we will drive onto the “Volvo cargo boat” in Ghent and get out in Norway for a month of electric touring.

And also great news : we are now represented in the UK by the fantastic STRADAMUSIC

"Best Live Band 2021" (Flemish Folk Awards)

"one of the most inventive European folk related groups” (Folkworld)

« A duo with great chemistry, a great sound and a solid future” (Rootsworld, USA)

“ The sound is fuelled by a love of mystical and religions music married to the more earthy folk tradition...Our favourite new album !” (fROOTS)

„C'est beau et inclassable, liquide et relevé”  (Le Soir)

„ zo hoort het,je legt een plaat op en er bestaan geen woorden om te beschrijven wat er in je op welt” (De Standaard) ****

„Beau comme une femme qui sait entretenir le mystère”  (La libre Belgique)

„The result is a stunning disc with violin and guitar as bearing instruments and a singing that will leave no one indifferent” **** (Norran, Sweden)

„ Tom Theuns & Aurélie Dorzée brouwen als alchemistisch geschoolde druïdes een amalgaam vol magie, mysterie en gekte” (Folkforum).